

I’ve set a goal to populate this blog entirely with real photos—candid snaps, not curated Insta-shots. If you’d like to contribute a photo to include in the AUSTIN.WOMEN.LOVE collection, contact me, and I’ll tell you how.

Rita smiles, Spike snarls
Haven’t we all been this girl at some point? Courtesy Susan Hunt

I want to create a collection of the realest photos of this city’s womenfolk (of any gender or status, honey) being themselves—no perfect images, and preferably ones that didn’t require posing and checking your chins and angles first.

Losing a shoe—as you do
Mari loses a shoe on the steamroller. Courtesy Ellen Stader

The photos I want make a thousand words obsolete. They are old, new, not perfectly composed or filtered—or even entirely in focus—and they don’t always show your best side (gasp!). What they do show is the love, the pain, the outrageousness, relief, hilarity or joy of being yourself, and being with your sisters.

Bud bath
Self-care day with Budweiser. Courtesy Chris Cook

This is a commerce-free, community-based endeavor, no money involved. We want to make sure that all photos are appropriate and can be used freely, and that the people who took them get credited for taking them.

If you’d like to contribute a photo to the AUSTIN.WOMEN.LOVE collection, contact me, and I’ll tell you how.